Monday, 2 May 2016

5 Real Time Image Captures Showing My Lumion Environment

Because I chose ‘Technology’ as my theme for this project I decided to create my structure so that it can display the train timetable and maps on digital screens. Thus, the thin structure that the timetable board is situated on didn’t need much embellishment and so I chose to add my light texture to it.

I chose to add a ‘medium’ custom texture to half of this wall to make it resemble a feature wall. I did this because half of the whole structure is a very heavy and solid structure as it is mainly made up of stone, inspired by the work of Santiago Calatrava, and thus I thought it needed to be broken up to look more appealing.

Similarly to the feature wall of the light rail stop, I decided to cover one of the walls/riser that’s facing the road in one of my ‘heavy’ custom textures as it needed to break up the bare look of the stone floor and walls.

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