Monday, 2 May 2016

Week 2:

Based On This Sketch:

Electroliquid Aggregation:

The two statements I chose were that Antoni Gaudi’s work is based on proportion and he uses a very gothic proportion in his design and architecture. The second statement was to do with the materials. Santiago Calatrava uses stone in most of his work. Thus, the bottom half of my light rail stop is influenced by Santiago Calatrava and his stone like materials making his architecture more solid and heavy. This is reflected in my axonometric of the bottom half of the light rail stop as it is predominately flat and heavy, using larger blocks rather than small ones. Moreover, the top half of my light rail stop was influenced by Antoni Gaudi as I used many long, skinnier blocks making it looks more lightweight. Thus, these two concepts have worked together well to form my final design of my light rail stop.

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